Renewable energy map of Scotland

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This blog allows you to explore where renewable energy projects are in Scotland. An interactive map allows you to narrow the data down by Parliamentary region, technology type and the current operational status of the project. 

About the data

The data that this tool is based on comes from the Renewable Energy Planning Database: quarterly extract by the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Renewable Energy Planning Database tracks the progress of UK renewable electricity projects over 150 kiloWatts(kW) through the planning system. It provides as accurate and comprehensive a snapshot as possible of projects, and of progress across the different technology sectors.

The minimum threshold for installed capacity was 1MW until 2021, at which point it was lowered to 150kW. This means that projects below 1MW that were going through planning system before 2021 may not be represented in the REPD.

We are aware of some accuracy issues with the data and are currently looking at how to resolve the problem. We therefore recommend that the location of a site should be used with caution.

How to use the tool

The tool allows you to narrow down the data by three criteria:

  • Parliamentary region: this allows you to select by Scottish Parliamentary region and by offshore projects. You can select multiple options by holding down the Ctrl button. The default setting for this is “all”.
  • Technology type: this allows you to select which technologies you want to look at, for example onshore wind, landfill gas or hydro. You can select multiple options by holding down the Ctrl button. The default setting for this is “all”.
  • Development status: this allows you to select the current stage in the planning process the projects are at, from “application” through to “operational”. It also includes data on abandoned and decommissioned projects. The default setting for this is “operational”.

There are buttons next to each box which allow you to reset your selection to the default setting.

Updated using January 2024 data

SPICe is grateful to James Bamford, from the Northern Ireland Research and Information Service (RaISe), for his work assisting with the technical development of this interactive resource.

Andrew Aiton, Alasdair Reid, SPICe and James Bamford, RaISe

Cover image: Pixabay