Scottish Parliament Constituency dashboard

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Welcome to the interactive Scottish Parliament constituency dashboard. The dashboard will enable Members, their staff, and anyone else with an interest, to gain insights into their constituencies and regions.

You can see a “constituency overview”, which gives the headline data for one specific constituency in one place. You can also compare all constituencies, or selected constituencies, on particular statistical measures. You can’t (yet) get a “regional overview”, but you can select information for all constituencies within a region. This is something we could explore in future versions of the dashboard.

We plan to develop the dashboard over time, based on feedback from users. In January 2022 we published an update with a change to the way you can select geographies. We are currently exploring what additional measures we can add. Please email with any feedback.

How to use the dashboard:

  • There are two ways to use the dashboard.
  • First, to get an overview, or profile, of all the data for one constituency, first select the constituency, and then select “Constituency overview”.
  • The other option is to look at a comparison of different constituencies, select a subject (for example “Labour market”, and then an individual measure within that.
  • You can also select a region or constituency from the buttons at the top of the tool. If you want to view all constituencies leave these blank.

Please note that for some of the subjects, data is not available for every constituency. Where the data is unavailable it will not appear on the chart and will appear as (blank) in the constituency overview.

We have only used data which is available at Scottish Parliamentary constituency level. As above, we’d be really interested in any feedback. Please email us at

Andrew Aiton, Data Visualisation Manager, SPICe